Music plays an essential and integral part in our lives. We can connect every aspect of our lives to music. I am Archana, a first-year MBA student. I feel extremely blessed to have practiced Carnatic music and violin since childhood. Learning to play an instrument was not an easy task. As a child, I never understood the importance of music. I went to classes just because my parents wanted me to learn a musical instrument. But, as I went deeper, I understood the wonderful abyss of music, I tried to understand the nuances and now I enjoy music, playing violin, and composing small pieces. I feel this has helped me in life too. Music not only acts as a stress buster but has helped me to concentrate better. Music plays an essential and integral part in our lives. We can connect every aspect of our lives to music.

A violinist is expected to be creative and be prepared for any ragas and swaras. He /She should be able to adapt to all kinds of singers and have a good and wide repertoire. As an artist, I feel it has helped me to grow into a spontaneous and creative person. Accompanying various artists in live concerts at music festivals has helped me to reduce my stage fear and has boosted my confidence.
I believe there are similarities between music and marketing. While preparing for a concert, an artist tries to understand the audience, their taste, and their likes. Hence, according to the demography the artist plans the list of music to be performed. Even during the concert, the artist tries to keep his/her audience engaged. Similarly, it is very important to understand the customer segment in a business. Their likes and interest have to be considered to sustain in the market. Hence somewhere my learnings from the world of music will help to build these essential business qualities in me.
– Archana B, Batch 2024